JSM-DBCJapan Self-Medication Data-base Center

“药品搜索”的使用方法How to use Medicine Search

检索服务网站Search service site

日本OTC药物检索网站OTC-medicine in Japan search website.

您可以扫描QR码并访问以下URLYou can access to the following URL by scanning the QR code.

操作手册Operation manuals to follow.

如何搜索How to search

主屏幕 (智能手机屏幕的图像)Main screen (Image of smartphone screen)
main screen

提供如下检索功能。Following search functions are available.

  1. 按身体部位和症状检索:18种分类Search by body parts and symptoms : 18 classifications
  2. 按用途(疗效)检索:18种分类Search by Uses(medicinal effects): 18 classifications
  3. 按任意单词搜索Search by Product name etc. Free Word Search
按身体部位和症状检索 (智能手机屏幕的图像)Search by body parts and symptoms (Image of smartphone screen)

您可以按如下内容检索。You can search by the contents below.

  1. (Head)
  2. 眼睛 (Eye)
  3. (Ear)
  4. (Nose)
  5. 齿 (Tooth)
  6. 面部 (Face)
  7. (Mouth)
  8. (Throat)
  9. 颈/肩 (Neck/Shoulder)
  10. 胸部/呼吸器官 (Chest/Respiratory organ)
  11. 肠胃 (Stomach and Intestine)
  12. 后背/腰 (Back/Waist)
  13. 臂/腿 (Arms/Legs)
  14. 痔疮和泌尿系统 (Hemorrhoid and Urinary system)
  15. 皮肤 (Skin)
  16. 全身症状 (Systemic symptoms)
  17. 女性专科症状 (Symptoms peculiar to women)
  18. OTC测试药 (OTC Test medicine)
按疗效检索 (智能手机屏幕的图像)Search by medicine’s effects (Image of smartphone screen)

您可以按如下内容检索。You can search by the contents below.

  1. 解热镇痛药 (Pain reliever/Fever reducer)
  2. 感冒药 (Cold remedy)
  3. 镇咳祛痰药 (Cough/Expectorant)
  4. 鼻炎用药 (Rhinitis)
  5. 眼药 (Eye drops)
  6. 牙科/口腔和咽喉用药 (Dental/Oral and throat medicine)
  7. 胃肠道药物 (Stomach and Intestine medicine)
  8. 晕动病药物 (for Motion sickness)
  9. 维生素/矿物质/滋补补品保健药 (Vitamins/Minerals/Nourishing tonic health medicine)
  10. 健康饮品 (Health Drinks)
  11. 皮肤药 (Medicine for skin)
  12. 脚癣/顽癣用药 (Athlete’s foot- fungal infection)
  13. 痔疮用药 (Hemorrhoid)
  14. 戒烟辅助 (Stop smoking aid)
  15. 女性专用药 (for Women’s Symptoms)
  16. 医疗检测试剂盒 (OTC Test medicine)
  17. 中草药,草药制剂 (Kampo-Traditional herbal medicine/herbal preparation)
  18. 其他 (Other)
按任意单词搜索Search by Product name etc. Free Word Search

搜索结果Search result

检索结果列表 (智能手机屏幕的图像)List of search results (Image of smartphone screen)

请勾选如下信息作为检索结果。You can check the following information as a search result.

  • 产品名称 (Product name)
  • 用途-适应症和疗效 (Uses-Indication and effect)
  • 公司名称 (Company name)
  • 剂量方案 (Dosage regimen)
  • 内部容量和价格 (Internal capacity and Price)
  • 支持的语言 (Supported language)
产品详细信息 (智能手机屏幕的图像)Product detailed information (Image of smartphone screen)

您可查看产品详情。You can view the details of the product.

    • 金额和价格 (Amount and Price)
    • 迹象 (Indication)
    • 剂量方案 (Dosage regimen)
    • 成分/数量 (Ingredients/Quantity)
    • 特性 (Characteristic)
    • 重要参考信息 (Important reference information)
  1. 可提供多种语言(英语、简体中文、繁体中文和韩语)PDF格式或外部链接信息。(按已选药物)Multilingual (English, simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Korean) information may be available in PDF forms or external links. (available on selected medicines)
  2. 您可以切换到日语显示。You can switch to Japanese display.

请根据您的症状选择合适的OTC 药物,祝您在自我治疗下早日康复。Please use appropriate OTC medicines for your symptoms. May good self-medication be with you.